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10 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation

1. HAVE A RESET STRATEGY (ONE-CLICK) If you're going to give a talk, you'll probably have to give it more than once. If you have demonstrations of any kind, have a "one-click" way to reset them. This might be a batch file or Powershell script that drops a modified database and reattaches a fresh one, or copies template files over ones you modify during your demo. Personally, I'm sold on Virtual Machines. I have seven VMs on a small, fast portable USB drive that will let me do roughly 12 different presentations at the drop of a hat. You never know when you'll be called upon to give a demo. With a Virtual Machine I can turn on "Undo Disks" after I've prepared the talk, and  my  reset strategy is to just turn off the VM and select "Delete Changes." A little up-front preparation means one less thing for you to panic about the day of the talk. 2. KNOW YOUR AFFECTATIONS (SSSSSSSERIOUSLY) I have a bit of a lisp, it seems. I also hold


1. Does humanity have a future beyond Earth? “I think it’s a dangerous delusion to envisage mass emigration from Earth. There’s nowhere else in the solar system that’s as comfortable as even the top of Everest or the South Pole. We must address the world’s problems here. Nevertheless, I’d guess that by the next century, there will be groups of privately funded adventurers living on Mars and thereafter perhaps elsewhere in the solar system. We should surely wish these pioneer settlers good luck in using all the cyborg techniques and biotech to adapt to alien environments. Within a few centuries they will have become a new species: the posthuman era will have begun. Travel beyond the solar system is an enterprise for posthumans—organic or inorganic.” —Martin Rees, British cosmologist and astrophysicist 2. When and where do you think we will find extraterrestrial life? “If there is abundant microbial life on Mars, I suspect that we will find it within 20 years—if it is enough like

What is Social Engineering?

What is Social Engineering? Social engineering is the art of manipulating users of a computing system into revealing confidential information that can be used to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. The term can also include activities such as exploiting human kindness, greed, and curiosity to gain access to restricted access buildings or getting the users to installing backdoor software. Knowing the tricks used by hackers to trick users into releasing vital login information among others is fundamental in protecting computer systems In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the common social engineering techniques and how you can come up with security measures to counter them. Topics covered in this tutorial How social engineering Works? Common Social Engineering Techniques Social Engineering Counter Measures How social engineering Works? HERE, Gather Information : This is the first stage, the learns as much as he can about the intended victim. The


What is a programming language? A programming language is a language that is used to develop computer programs. The programs developed can range from operating systems; data based applications through to networking solutions.   Why should you learn how to program? Hackers are the problem solver and tool builders, learning how to program will help you implement solutions to problems. It also differentiates you from script kiddies. Writing programs as a hacker will help you to automate many tasks which would usually take lots of time to complete. Writing programs can also help you identify and exploit programming errors in applications that you will be targeting. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel all the time, and there are a number of open source programs that are readily usable. You can  customize the already existing applications and add your methods to suit your needs . What languages should I learn? The answer to this question  depends on your target computer


SR    NO. TOOLS DESCRIPTION URL Link 1  Nmap   Network Mapper. This tool is used to explore networks and perform security audits. 2  Nessus   This tool can be used to perform; Remote vulnerability scanner Password dictionary attacks Denial of service attacks.   It is closed source, cross platform and free for personal use.    3 John The Ripper   Password cracking utility. It is cross platform. 4 Cain & Abel   Microsoft Operating System passwords recovery tool. It is used to;   Recover MS Access passwords Uncover password field Sniffing networks Cracking encrypted passwords using dictionary attacks, brute-force, and cryptanalysis attacks. Visit their URL for more details 5 NetStumbler Used to detect wireless networks on the Windows platform. It can be used for the following tasks; Verifying network