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Black Hat Asia Announces 'Cybersecurity Risk in Asia' Research Report

A large number of information security professionals in Asia are likely to face massive cross-border attacks on enterprise networks and critical infrastructure over the next year or two, and most companies are concerned about their ability to defend against these threats. 

Related content is detailed in Cybersecurity Risk in Asia, the first Black Hat Asia report. The report contains survey results for over 100 Black Hat Asia attendees and provides insight into major information security issues related to cybersecurity and vulnerability in Asia. 

As a result of the survey, the global cyber security concerns are being augmented by the similarities between Black Hat attendees in the US and Europe. 

Black Hat is well known for its conference with cyber security researchers and enterprise information security experts. Leveraging its own expert community, Black Hat draws insights from executive management, information technology and information security team leaders, network managers and security officers, including Asian CEOs, CSOs and CIOs. 

◇ Critical infrastructure, with risks exposed to attacks around 2020, 

nearly 70% of survey respondents expected attacks in major Asian countries to hit critical infrastructure within a year or two.

Security experts at Black Hat Asia have expressed concern that a series of recent events in the region, like the results of Black Hat's US and European surveys, indicate a massive security breach in critical infrastructure. In the past, attacks in the Middle East and Asia have involved industrial control system corruption, data thefts for security, and hacking of computers for critical infrastructure in Asia. 

◇ The biggest concern for information security experts In 

addition to massive opportunistic attacks through malware for several years in Asia, Ransomware has also been highly targeted and focused on specific targets such as data theft or deception. 

With this trend, 60% of respondents cited targeted attacks by hacking organizations in Russia, China and North Korea as their biggest concern. 

◇ Relevant staff and resource shortage are important issues 

More than 30% of respondents said that cybersecurity strategy was lack of skilled professionals as the main factor failing in Asia. Many Asian security organizations are not confident in their ability to protect critical data from cyber attacks because they lack expertise and related budgets.

In addition, the report concurred that executives were indifferent to important security priorities, even though their security was less secure than those in the US and Europe. More than half of Asia's cyber security experts say they are looking for or are willing to find a new job. 

#Security weaknesses 

About 40% of other security weaknesses that cause information security professionals to worry are those who violate end-user security policies, or become victims of phishing and social engineering scams, "He said. 

About 30 percent of respondents said that compliance budgets account for the vast majority of security budgets. Despite the introduction of the APEC Privacy Framework, which requires compliance with privacy guidelines for companies in 27 APEC economies, experts have been concerned. Thirty percent of respondents expected that the introduction of the framework would lead to increased security-related work, but 14 percent of respondents said their company has not enforced security enforcement policies at all. 

◇ Reports on the download of the 

report The results of the report and the results of experts in each area are calling for action by government officials and business executives. Asia is a region that needs more attention to cybersecurity initiatives. Information on executable insights and other key industry trends can be found in the report copy.

Meanwhile, Black Hat hosts Black Hat Asia 2018, a leading intellectual in the information security community, to address the report's content and global trends and topics. The main programs of the event are a timely research briefing and practical training. We also offer business hall programs, including specialized programs and leading solution providers, to address the needs of a broad information security community that includes employees and managers as well as senior management positions. More information on events to be held at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore from 20th to 23rd and how to save $ 200 in registration fees (up to 16 days) are available on the Black Hat Asia 2018 website. 

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Future Black Hat Events and Calendar 

· Black Hat USA 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (4-9 August) 
· Black Hat Europe 2018, UK London (February 3-6) 

Overview of Black Hat

For more than two decades, Black Hat has provided participants with up-to-date information on research, development and trends in information security. This highly recognized global event and training is driven by the needs of the security community to bring together top-notch experts in the information security industry. Black Hat encourages all levels of relevant experts to encourage collaboration and growth among leaders in the public and private sector, academia and world-class researchers. Black Hat briefing and training is held annually in the US, Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit the website. The Black Hat event is hosted by UBM plc, the world's largest pure B2B event organizer. Our 3750 employees in more than 20 countries cover more than 50 sectors. Based on our in-depth knowledge and passion for these sectors, we can create valuable experiences that customers can use to succeed. Visit our homepage for the latest news and information on UBM. 

Source: Black Hat 
Media contact: Black Hat Media Contact Kimberly Samra 415-947-6362 

This news is a press release from companies and organizations. 

Press Release Source: Black Hat 
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