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EMAIL HACKING : The story of “Congratulations you have won a lottery” like spam emails

Open your Gmail account and compose your message and save in draft
Now open this Google sheet and choose the Initialize option under the Email Tracker menu
Now you’ll have to authorize the sheet to send your Gmail messages.
Once the script is authorized, choose Email Tracker -> Send Mail, select your Gmail draft from the drop-down, enter your Google Analytics Profile ID* and hit the Send button. Your mail will be delivered to the recipient.
Now open Google analytic and find Events under the Standard Reports group
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Email spoofing: The story of “Congratulations you have won a lottery” like spam emails

Mail vs E-mail
Back in old days when internet was not so common, we had to rely only on the postal/courier services. The only thing that bugs me about the traditional mail is their speed. This is when email comes. It offers numerous benefits, like its blazing fast, most of the time its free,  you can attach from pictures to videos, from management point of view you don’t have to maintain a hard folder, last but not least its environment friendly. In short, email is one of the greatest inventions of all time.
What is a spam?
I’m not that old, but again back in those dial-up connection days, there was no such thing as Gmail, most of people either used Hotmail or Yahoo mail for the emails. The problem with these two email service providers is the spams. Spams are irrelevant emails coming to you, mostly used for marketing a product/service, but they are cases where spam emails have hacked a person through social engineering attack or session hijacking. Phishing is also associated with spoofed emails, phishing is “the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers“.
If you only use Gmail, you are a lucky person, because Google has got some very intelligent and sophisticated spam filtering mechanism. And frankly speaking I don’t get spams at all in my Gmail, but in case of Ymail or Hotmail … let’s just not talk about it.
What is e-mail spoofing?
In today’s article I will focus on Email spoofing. So, the first question you may ask is what is spoofing? Spoofing in simple terms is when Alice tries to be Bob. Email spoofing is when Alice sends an email to Eve but she keeps her identity to be Bob. When Eve receives an email she thinks that Bob has sent the email but it’s not. 
Platform: Windows 7 (also works on MAC and Linux)
How to spoof an e-mail ?
There can be different ways of spoofing an email, but I am going to use “sendmail” program for it. Sendmail is a simple command line program used to send emails via SMTP protocol.
1. Go to Google and type “sendmail google code”. Open the page highlighted below.
2. This is what sendmail on google code looks like.
3. Go to the download section and download the appropriate file, as I m on windows so, I will be downloading the “.exe” file.
Open the command line and call the program “mailsend”. As soon as you type mailsend, the first thing it will ask for is SMTP server. This is a very critical part, if you don’t provide the right SMTP server your email will not be sent. You have to chose a SMTP server that doesn’t require authentication. I will be using PTCL’s SMTP server i.e ““, this server runs on port 25.
Next in “from”, enter the email ID of the person you want to spoof, In this case I m making a spoof email of Bill Gates i.e ““
Provide the email id of receiver, I m giving my own email id.
Enter subject and then write your message, after you have completed your message.
Press enter, then press dot button and again press enter, a message will pop that your email has been sent.
Here you can see my inbox has got that spoofed email.
Inbox overview.


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